Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Uncommon blog tip from Mark Twain

"If we learned how to walk and talk the way we are taught how to read and write - everybody would limp and stutter".

- Mark Twain

Starting a blog is easy.

Writing a post? Not so much.

As you read this there are hundreds, maybe thousands of people who have started their blog but are now staring at a blank screen, trying to come up with something to say.

But how can this be?

You had so many ideas, so many thoughts, so many opinions and rants and raves and deep nuggets of wisdom to bring to the world.

What happened?

Well for one thing, you're probably over-thinking it.



Turn off your inner critic and just start writing something, anything.

No really, even if it's gibberish, just have your fingers start pressing down the keys.

Write the words to one of your favorite songs.

Write down some of your favorite foods.

It doesn't matter. Just write.

This exercise gets you in the habit of moving your fingers around on the keyboard, and the more you do this, chances are your brain will start to chime in with some fresh ideas.

But whatever you do, don't force it. Creativity can't be forced. It's intuitive, instinctive, and it won't tolerate being pushed around.

So just move those fingers, and before you know it you'll be blogging something brilliant.

Give it a shot!

Happy Blogging,
Sue Anne

Unsubscribe | 300 Lake Ave NE, Largo, Florida 33771

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